
本校U3老師及學生有幸前往中華基督教會基華小學(九龍塘),親身體驗小學的教學模式、參與U3升小一體驗日,讓學生們以第一身角度遊覽及觀察小學校園、體驗小學課堂、小息等。小息期間,我們遇上幾位畢業於金巴倫學生,他們非常興奮,並和我們一起拍照留念。衷心感謝鄭校長、張副校長、柯副校長、 梁主任以及老師團隊們的安排及熱情招待。



Environmentally Friendly Used Clothes Recycling @ SN

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Lingnan University Alumni (Hong Kong) Primary School’s Seminar

We were honoured to invite Principal Ng from our partnership school, Lingnan University Alumni (Hong Kong) Primary School to hold a Primary One Introduction Seminar for our parents on Saturday, 20th May 2023. It was enjoyable to learn all about your school. Many thanks to Principal Ng and Senior Teacher Mr. Shum for such an informative presentation to our parents.

GAPSK Certificate 2023

Congratulations to all the students who achieved highly on the GAPSK Putonghua Assessment on 1st April 2023.

Kowloon True Light School(Primary Section)

Our Principal Choi was invited to join their Thematic Integration Programme(Little Astronauts) It was a fantastic event filled with exploration. Principal Choi also met our St. Nicholas’ alumni and students at this event.


Po Leung Kuk Lam Man Chan English Primary School

We would like to say a big thank you to Po Leung Kuk Lam Man Chan English Primary School for hosting their Primary One Admission Seminar. Our Principal, Mrs. Choi, and Vice-Principal, Ms. Fung, along with many parents had a wonderful time. Along with an insightful seminar talk by Principal Man and Vice-Principals.

Kowloon Tong Bishop Walsh Catholic School

Our Vice-Principal Ms. Chiu was invited to celebrate our partnership school: Kowloon Tong Bishop Walsh Catholic School’s 60th Anniversary Celebration! It was a fantastic event full of student performances, artwork displays and student demonstrations! 60 years is an amazing achievement.

Mother’s Day @ SN part 2

Mother’s Day is just around the corner and our children have been hard at work making beautiful gifts. We’ve been making Mother’s Day Cards, flower bouquets ?, magic wands ?, crowns ?, and handbags ?! We at St. Nicholas appreciate all the hard work mums put in! 祝願天下母親每天快快樂樂、開開心心!

Montessori Nido programme & Montessori Toddler programme

We are extremely excited to announce that St. Nicholas’ is launching two programmes for infants and toddlers! We are extending the Montessori experience to children as young as 1-year-old.

Our Montessori Nido programme is for both parents and children from 12 to 24 months old to learn in our prepared environment. We aim to nurture the young mind’s independence and concentration. As your baby starts to walk and talk, our Montessori teachers guide and support you and your child on a beautiful journey of exploration and discovery. This is a bilingual programme tailored to the growing toddler’s remarkable capacity to absorb language.

Our Montessori Toddler programme is for children from 24 to 36 months old, where they will learn to separate from their parents and caregivers. This programme is designed for the independent toddler who is ready for an unaccompanied Montessori experience. Our bilingual Montessori teachers encourage children to explore creatively in the language-rich environment, enabling them to become confident learners.

Call us at 2337 3888 / 2337 0291 to learn more about both programmes or email us at [email protected] for the application form.