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Project Morals and Money (Project M²) 獎勵計劃

本校於2023-2024年度參與了由Project M² 主辦、教育局協辦及所羅門教育集團支持的「Project Morals and Money (Project M²) 獎勵計劃」。學生們透過Project M² 教育平台上有趣的短片及互動課程教材,從遊戲中學會理財知識及實用理財技巧,從而培養他們從小建立理財概念及正向的價值觀。學生們於此計劃中積極參與,獲得卓越成績,榮獲白金獎! 本校校長、副校長、學生代表U3A 蔡泳妍及家長早前亦於啟德Airside出席2023-2024「Project M² 獎勵計劃」幼稚園頒獎典禮,並於頒獎典禮中領取獎項!






Exciting New Parents’ Meeting! 🎉👩‍👧‍👦
🎉👩‍👧‍👦 We recently held our New Parents’ Meeting, and it was wonderful to meet so many enthusiastic parents who have joined our school family! This gathering provided a great opportunity for parents to learn more about our school and meet their children’s teachers. We are thrilled to have such engaged families on board and look forward to a fantastic journey together! Thank you for being a part of our community! 🌟❤️📚

本校最近為各級的新生舉辦了家長會,希望藉此讓家長們能夠更深入了解學校的教學理念及內容,並有機會親身認識我們的老師。我們很期待與家長及學生們一同迎接美好的新學年! 再次感謝家長和學生們加入金巴倫這個大家庭,成為我們的一份子!


參觀安徒生會童話夢工場 Inspiring Storytelling with Hans Andersen Club!

本校的老師早前參觀了安徒生會的童話夢工場。安徒生會是一間本地慈善團體,致力於培養兒童閱讀,從書本中學習,啟發思考及創造力,建立良好品格。這次參觀,安徒生會的導師為我們的老師講解,讓老師們建立說故事的技巧,同時啟發了老師們對不同繪本的興趣。我們期待未來能有更多的合作,能為家長及學生們加強對閱讀的喜愛! 再次感謝安徒生會童話夢工場的支持和啟發!

Recently, our teachers had the wonderful opportunity to visit the Hans Andersen Club, an NGO dedicated to fostering a love for reading and storytelling in children. Their expertise has been invaluable in helping us develop our own storytelling techniques, and we are truly grateful for the care and attention they provided during our visit.
Our experience has ignited our passion for storytelling even more, and we look forward to future collaborations that will enrich our parents, children’s love for literature and imagination! Thank you, Hans Andersen Club, for your support and inspiration!