St. Nicholas’ has participated in the Peace Crane Project for 5 years in a row. This year, we exchanged peace artwork with students from St. Cecilia Catholic School in the United States. The Peace Crane Project invites every student on the planet to send a message of peace and then exchange it with another student somewhere in the world. The Project builds friendships, strengthens hand-eye coordination and writing skills, teaches geography, exposes students to new languages and cultures, and EMPOWERS YOUTH to make a difference in their community, country, and world.
和平鶴交流計劃 2024
金巴倫英文幼稚園已連續5年參與和平鶴計劃。今年,我們與美國聖塞西莉亞天主教學校的學生交換了和平藝術品。和平鶴計劃會邀請世界各地的學生與不同國家的學生互相交換和平訊息。 此計劃讓學生們能互相建立友誼,並加強他們手眼協調和寫作的技能,同時亦會教授地理,讓學生接觸新的語言和文化,為社區、國家和世界帶來改變的能力。