Our school’s summer courses have concluded successfully!
為期三星期的暑期課程已經順利完成,學生們都體驗了一個充實多彩的學習生活! 在暑期課程中,除了鞏固課堂學習的知識,老師加入了STEAM科學遊戲,包括浮沉實驗、自製吹泡泡棒及魔力沙等。孩子們都非常投入,並期待實驗結果。除此之外,學生們在老師的指導下,發揮無限創意,運用各種材料,動手創作了不同的美術作品。更重要的是,他們與同學們在歡樂的暑期活動中,共度了一個愉快的夏日時光。
The three-week summer course has been successfully completed, and the students have experienced a fulfilling and colorful learning life! In the summer course, in addition to consolidating the knowledge learned in the classroom, the teacher added STEAM science games, including floating and sinking experiments, homemade bubble wands and Magic sand etc. The children were very engaged and looking forward to the results of the experiment. In addition, under the guidance of teachers, students exerted their unlimited creativity and used various materials to create different art works.
More importantly, they spent a pleasant summer time with their classmates in fun summer activities. Finally, we also issued summer course certificates to students to encourage them to study hard and engage in activities during the summer vacation.
We believe that students are ready for the new semester!